When Jesus was born the world was changed forever. Because God chose to live among us, the world is fundamentally different now than it was before Christ was born. But it wasn't just the world that was changed. Everyone that Jesus came in contact with would never be the same again.

When we gather to worship at Heritage we do so because we believe that the experience of Christ has the power to change our lives. So we come to worship expecting to be transformed. The power of Christ to change us was evident from the first moment that Mary knew she would be the mother of the Son of God, and more than 2,000 years later, Jesus continues to change our hearts. God continues to transform us from the people that we are into the people that we long to be.

This Christmas at Heritage we'll be encouraged and inspired as we experience the birth of Christ again and celebrate the coming of Emmanuel--a word that means "God with us." This Christmas our prayer is that a renewed understanding of just what it means to have God with us will change us forever--that we'll never be the same.

A calendar of our Christmas events is listed below. We hope you'll join us for all of them. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, November 30th              Hanging of the Greens Service   11 AM
Sunday, December 14th               The Music of Christmas-Led by our worship choir  11 AM
Sunday, December 21st               Christmas Sunday   11 AM
Wednesday, December 24th      Christmas Eve Service   6 PM